Why People Share Content
Ever scroll through your Facebook feed at dinner when your friend gets up to use the restroom? Find yourself watching videos from your feed just to avoid awkward eye contact with people at the train station? No matter the reason you’re watching videos on your newsfeed, everyone else is too. The whole world is constantly watching videos, shared or not, all the time.
The reason you find all these videos in your newsfeed is because your Facebook friends are sharing them. There is a reason behind why people share: they have something to say and the content helps them say it. Whether it’s showing what they stand for or as simple as helping connect users with others, this is what makes shareable content.
Why it’s important to have content that people want to share
There’s more in it for your company than just pulling in a client with a social video. If your video resonates with someone in any way, emotionally or intellectually, they’ll want to share it with others. This gets your name out there without having to pay for advertisements! You shouldn’t be posting content just for the purpose of posting. You should be posting content with the intention of enticing the viewer so much that they will want to share it with their entire social network.
No matter the strategy you use, your content should speak to the viewer. Your content can reach the viewer even if your message isn’t optimistic, positive, or cheery. If your video makes someone feel fearful or concerned about a cause, that is still means to share.
Your audience: Pay attention to them
You want your audience to share your content with their networks to connect with each other, not with your brand. Take some time and research what type of content your followers are sharing, whether it is the type of videos they’re watching, the stand-out topics they feel strongly about, or the platforms they use the most.
Platforms: Not the trendy shoes in magazines
If you plan on branding yourself through social video, you need to pay attention to the types of videos being posted and shared on all different social media platforms. You might want to consider the type of video and the length of the each video you will be posting on each network. For example, Twitter allows a 140-second video maximum, Snapchat a 10-second maximum, and Instagram a 60-second maximum. Facebook allows for a longer maximum length of videos to be posted, but just because it gives us this option does not mean we should use it. You can use your brand video, cut it short, or use pieces of an existing video to fully utilize each platform.
Any professional video you have for your company should be no longer than two minutes. Any message you’re putting out to pull in customers should be short, sweet, and to the point. This is especially pertinent to a message via video! You also want to keep in mind that the most pulling point in your campaign should be at the start of your video to pull in the viewer, and the ending should be a strong call-to-action.
These points are a lot to remember, but if you follow our suggestions, you can only go in the right direction. Interesting content can be the equivalent of shareable content if strategized cleverly, and shareable content leads to better consumer interaction.